We are very excited to introduce our new fresh juice range. Our 3 distinct options are designed to benefit your body and mind at anytime of day. The green juice is great in the morning and works wonders to ease you from waking up to starting your day. The purple juice gives an amazing boost before exercise, the nitrates from the beetroot increasing blood flow to your muscles.

The flavours are-

Glow– Carrot, orange, apple, lemon, ginger and turmeric

Lift- Spinach, parsley, apple, pear, cucumber, celery, lemon, ginger and cayenne pepper

Boost – Beetroot, cucumber, apple, lemon and ginger

Our Juices come in 330ml bottles. We either deliver our juices direct to you door in glass bottles and we collect the bottle at the end of the week. We can also deliver the juices in batches and you can freeze the juice, these come in plastic bottles.

Price per juice is R35, this includes free delivery in Cape Town.

To order send an email to buyjuice@blendavenda.com